Sunday, October 6, 2019

M.I.C.E. (Meeting, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions) Essay

M.I.C.E. (Meeting, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions) - Essay Example Justification to this context can be provided by taking consideration of the reliance of multiple business oriented nations on this tourism and event management segment (ICCA - International Congress and Convention Association, 2013). In accordance to the projections made by the statistical data, the M.I.C.E business, after the economic recession of 2009 have made significant amount of contribution in terms of supporting the destabilised state of the economies of multiple small and large nations. For instance, between the periods of 2009 to 2013, the reliance of global superpowers such as China and the US has majorly increased over the conduction of M.I.C.E business conferences. Irrespective of all these, the arrangement and conduction of an M.I.C.E conference is not an easy job and requires availability of appropriate count of resources. This is due to the fact that all the necessary bookings and arrangements are needed to be done in advance and should project perfect alignment with the client side requirements. Taking these aspects into consideration, the discussion will majorly focus towards the conduction of an M.I.C.E business conference arrangement for a total count of 250 delegates for a period of 3 days. In addition, the discussion will also focus towards the identification and analysis of every possible green issue that might emerge within such conference meetings. The details regarding such green issues and conference planning has been provided in the undermined sections of this discussion. M.I.C.E conferences in the present business scenario have caught up tremendous amount of pace as a result of the increasing necessities of business engagements. Such necessities also stimulates the functionality pattern of multiple other transportation and hospitality organisations, which lays a significant amount of impact on the overall economic and

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